Atlas of the fore- and midbrain of the brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii)
The brain of this small dasyurid marsupial (brown antechinus - Antechinus stuartii) is of particular scientific interest because of its value as a model of the effects of stress on central nervous system structure and function. Brown antechinus have a precisely synchronised life history and males have only a single breeding opportunity. During late winter and early spring, males engage in a short mating period, characterised by highly aggressive territorial behaviour. This brief mating period is followed by universal male death, or male semelparity (Tyndale-Biscoe, 2005; Naylor et al., 2008), due to failure of glucocorticoid feedback, immune system collapse and overwhelming parasitic infestations. By contrast, females often live to reproduce a second year (McAllan, 2003, Naylor et al., 2008). This life cycle has been termed “big bang reproduction” by some authors (Tyndale-Biscoe, 2005).
Materials and Methods
All procedures conformed to the guidelines of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council and were approved by the University of NSW Animal Care and Ethics Committee. Brown antechinus were captured live in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney under licence from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Animals were deeply anaesthetised with pentobarbitone sodium (60 mg/kg body weight), delivered by intraperitoneal injection, prior to transcardial perfusion with Zamboni’s fixative. The brains were embedded in paraffin, sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm and stained with cresyl violet or processed for immunohistochemistry. Photomicrographs were taken with an Olympus BX51 Tiling microscope. Images were processed using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and photomicrographs of some sections were digitally enhanced to maximise contrast. Photomicrographs were placed in Adobe Illustrator CS2 for labelling.
McAllan BM (2003) Timing of reproduction in carnivorous marsupials. In: Predators with pouches: The biology of carnivorous marsupials. Jones M, Dickman C, Archer M eds. Chapter 10, pt 2, pp 147-164. Sydney: CSIRO.
Naylor R, Richardson SJ, McAllan BM (2008) Boom and bust: a review of the physiology of the marsupial genus Antechinus. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 178, 545-62.
Tyndale-Biscoe H (2005) Life of Marsupials. Collingwood: CSIRO.
List of Abbreviations
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
oculomotor nerve | 3n | anterior olfactory region, ventral | AOV |
oculomotor nucleus | 3N | amygdalopiriform transition area | APir |
oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part | 3PC | anterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal part | APTD |
third ventricle | 3V | anterior pretectal nucleus, ventral part | APTV |
A11 dopaminergic cells | A11 | cerebral aqueduct | Aq |
anterior amygdaloid region | AA | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, lateral part | ArcL |
anterior amygdaloid region, dorsal | AAD | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, lateroposterior part | ArcLP |
anterior amygdaloid region, ventral | AAV | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, medial part | ArcM |
anterior commissure | ac | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, medioposterior part | ArcMP |
anterior commissure, anterior limb | aca | amygdalostriatal transition zone | ASt |
nucleus accumbens | Acb | anterior tegmental nucleus | ATg |
nucleus accumbens, core | AcbC | primary auditory cortex | Au1 |
nucleus accumbens, shell | AcbSh | anterior ventral thalamic nucleus | AV |
anterior cerebral artery | acer | B9 serotonin cells | B9 |
anterior commissure, intrabulbar | aci | brachium of inferior colliculus | bic |
anterior cortical amygdaloid area | ACo | nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus | BIC |
anterior commissure, posterior limb | acp | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | BLA |
anterodorsal thalamic nucleus | AD | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part | BLP |
anterior hypothalamic area | AHA | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventral part | BLV |
amygdalohippocampal transition area | AHi | basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | BMA |
amygdalohippocampal trans’n area, posteromedial part | AHiPM | basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part | BMP |
agranular insula, dorsal | AID | brachium of superior colliculus | bsc |
agranular insula cortex, posterior | AIP | basal telencephalic commissure | btc |
agranular insula, ventral | AIV | cornu Ammonis, area 1 | CA1 |
alveus of hippocampus | alv | cornu Ammonis, area 2 | CA2 |
anterior medial thalamic nucleus | AM | cornu Ammonis, area 3 | CA3 |
anterior medial thalamic nucleus, ventral part | AMV | nucleus of the central acoustic tract | CAT |
accessory neurosecretory nucleus | ANS | caudate | Cd |
anterior olfactory region, dorsal | AOD | central amygdaloid nuclei | Ce |
anterior olfactory region, medial | AOM | central amygdaloid nucleus, capsular part | CeC |
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
central amygdaloid nucleus, lateral division | CeL | external capsule | ec |
central amygdaloid nucleus, medial division | CeM | ectorhinal cortex | Ect |
cingulate cortex | Cg | external medullary lamina | eml |
cingulate cortex area 1 | Cg1 | entopeduncular nucleus | EP |
cingulate cortex area 2 | Cg2 | external plexiform layer of main olfactory bulb | EPl |
choroid plexus | chp | Edinger-Westphal nucleus | EW |
centrolateral thalamic nucleus | CL | fields of Forel | F |
claustrum | Cl | fornix | f |
caudal linear nucleus | CLi | fimbriodentate sulcus | fds |
central medial thalamic nuclues | CM | fimbria of hippocampus | fi |
cerebral peduncle | cp | fasciculus retroflexus | fr |
commissure of superior colliculus | csc | frontal association cortex | FrA |
cortex-amygdala transition area | CxA | granule cell cluster | GCC |
dorsal hypothalamic area | DA | granule cell cluster magna | GCCM |
deep cortical white matter | dcw | granular insula cortex | GI |
dorsal endopiriform nucleus | DEn | glomerular layer of main olfactory bulb | Gl |
dentate gyrus | DG | globus pallidus | GP |
nucleus of Darkschewitsch | Dk | granule cell layer of accessory olfactory bulb | GrA |
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, alpha segment | DLGa | granule cell layer of dentate gyrus | GrDG |
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, beta segment | DLGb | granule cell layer of main olfactory bulb | GrO |
dorsolateral periaqueductal grey | DLPAG | habenular commissure | hbc |
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal part | DMD | hippocampal commissure | hc |
dorsomedial periaqueductal grey | DMPAG | nucleus of horizontal limb of diagonal band | HDB |
deep grey matter of superior colliculus | DpG | intercalated amygdaloid nucleus | I |
deep white matter of superior colliculus | DpWh | interanterodorsal thalamic nucleus | IAD |
dorsal raphe nucleus | DR | interanteromedial thalamic nucleus | IAM |
dorsal subiculum | DS | internal capsule | ic |
dorsal terminal nucleus of optic tract | DT | intergeniculate leaflet | IGL |
dorsal tuberomammillary nucleus | DTM | intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus | ILL |
dorsal transitional cortex | DTr | intermediodorsal thalamic nucleus | IMD |
extended amygdala, central part | EAC | interstitial nucleus of Cajal | InC |
extended amygdala, medial part | EAM |
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
interstitial nucleus of Cajal, shell part | InCSh | lateral striatal stripe | LSS |
intermediate grey of superior colliculus | InG | lateral septal nucleus, ventral | LSV |
intermediate white of superior colliculus | InWh | lateral terminal nucleus of optic tract | LT |
interstitial nu. of the posterior limb of ant. commissure | IPAC | lateral ventricle | LV |
interpeduncular nucleus, dorsolateral part | IPDL | motor cortex | M |
interpeduncular nucleus, dorsomedial part | IPDM | medial accessory oculomotor nucleus | MA3 |
interpeduncular nucleus, lateral part | IPL | magnocellular nucleus of lateral hypothalamus | MCLH |
interpeduncular nucleus, ventral part | IPV | middle cerebellar peduncle | mcp |
lateral amygdaloid nucleus | La | magnocellular preoptic area | MCPO |
lateral anterior hypothalamic nucleus | LA | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus | MD |
lateral nucleus accumbens shell | LAcbSh | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, central part | MDC |
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, dorsolateral part | LaDL | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, lateral part | MDL |
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventrolateral part | LaVL | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, medial part | MDM |
lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventromedial part | LaVM | median eminence | ME |
lateral entorhinal cortex | LEnt | mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus | Me5 |
longitudinal fibres of the pons | lfp | mesencephalic trigeminal tract | me5 |
lateral hypothalamic area | LH | medial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | MeA |
lateral habenular nucleus | LHb | median eminence, internal layer | MEI |
lateral lemniscus | ll | medial entorhinal cortex | MEnt |
lateral mammillary nucleus | LM | medial amygdaloid nucleus, posterodorsal part | MePD |
lateral olfactory tract | lo | medial amygdaloid nucleus, posteroventral part | MePV |
lateral orbital cortex | LO | medial forebrain bundle | mfb |
nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 1 | LOT1 | medial geniculate nucleus, dorsal part | MGD |
nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 2 | LOT2 | medial geniculate nucleus, medial part | MGM |
nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 3 | LOT3 | medial geniculate nucleus, ventral part | MGV |
lateral periaqueductal grey | LPAG | medial habenular nucleus | MHb |
lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, laterorostral part | LPLR | mitral cell layer of main olfactory bulb | Mi |
lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, mediorostral part | LPMR | microcellular tegmental nucleus | MiTg |
lateral preoptic area | LPO | medial lemniscus | ml |
lateral septal nucleus, dorsal | LSD | medial mammillary nucleus, lateral part | ML |
lateral septal nucleus, intermediate | LSI | medial longitudinal fasciculus | mlf |
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
medial mammillary nucleus, medial part | MM | paracentral thalamic nucleus | PC |
median preoptic area | MnPO | posterior commissure | pc |
median raphe nucleus | MnR | nucleus of the posterior commissure | PCom |
medial orbital cortex | MO | periventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | Pe |
molecular layer of dentate gyrus | MoDG | perifornical part of lateral hypothalamus | PeFLH |
mammillary peduncle | mp | parafascicular thalamic nucleus | PF |
medial preoptic area | MPA | posterior hypothalamic nucleus | PH |
medial preoptic area, lateral part | MPOL | posterior intralaminar thalamic nucleus | PIL |
medial preoptic area, medial part | MPOM | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1 | Pir1 |
mesencephalic reticular formation | mRt | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1a | Pir1a |
medial septal nucleus | MS | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1b | Pir1b |
mammillothalamic tract | mt | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 2 | Pir2 |
medial terminal nucleus of optic tract | MT | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 3 | Pir3 |
medial tuberal nucleus | MTu | posterolateral cortical amygdaloid area | PLCo |
medial geniculate nucleus, marginal zone | MZMG | peduncular part of lateral hypothalamus | PLH |
nigrostriatal pathway | ns | plioglial periaqueductal grey | PlPAG |
navicular nucleus | Nv | perilemniscal nucleus, ventral part | PLV |
optic chiasm | och | posteromedial cortical amygdaloid area | PMCo |
omega nucleus | Om | premammillary nucleus, dorsal part | PMD |
stratum opticum of superior colliculus | Op | paramedian raphe nucleus | PMnR |
oval paracentral thalamic nucleus | OPC | premammillary nucleus, ventral part | PMV |
olivary pretectal nucleus | OPT | pontine nuclei | Pn |
optic tract | opt | pontine oral reticular nucleus | PnO |
nucleus of the optic tract | OT | posterior thalamic nuclear group | Po |
prosomere 1 periaqueductal grey | p1PAG | polymorphic layer of dentate gyrus | PoDG |
prosomere 1 reticular formation | p1Rt | posteromedian thalamic nucleus | PoMn |
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | Pa | posterior thalamic nuclear group, triangular part | PoT |
pararubral nucleus | PaR | peripeduncular nucleus | PP |
parasubiculum of hippocampal formation | PaS | posterior pretectal nuclus | PPT |
parabigeminal nucleus | PBG | prerubral field | PR |
parabrachial pigmented nucleus | PBP | precommissural nucleus | PrC |
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
precuneiform area | PrCnF | reticular nucleus (prethalamus) | Rt |
pregeniculate nucleus of prethalamus, magnocellular part | PrGMC | reticulostrial nucleus | RtSt |
pregeniculate nucleus of prethalamus, parvicellular part | PrGPC | reticulotegmental nucleus | RtTg |
perirhinal cortex | PRh | subiculum of hippocampal formation | S |
prelimbic cortex | PrL | primary somatosensory cortex | S1 |
prelimbic cortex | PrL | primary somatosensory cortex, forelimb area | S1FL |
presubiculum of hippocampal formation | PrS | primary somatosensory cortex, hindlimb area | S1HL |
parasubthalamic nucleus | PSTh | primary somatosensory cortex, mystacial (whisker) area | S1My |
paratenial thalamic nucleus | PT | secondary somatosensory cortex | S2 |
putamen | Pu | superior colliculus | SC |
paraventricular thalamic nucleus, anterior part | PVA | suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus | SCh |
paraventricular thalamic nucleus, posterior part | PVP | subcommissural organ | SCO |
pyramidal tract | py | superior cerebellar peduncle | scp |
rhabdoid nucleus | Rbd | septofimbrial nucleus | SFi |
retrochiasmatic area, lateral part | RChL | subfornical organ | SFO |
retrochiasmatic area, medial part | RChM | suprageniculate thalamic nucleus | SG |
reuniens thalamic nucleus | Re | septohippocampal area | SHi |
retroethmoid nucleus | REth | septohypothalamic nucleus | SHy |
rhinal fissure | rf | substantia innominata, basal part | SIB |
rhomboid thalamic nucleus | Rh | stria medullari thalami | sm |
retroisthmic nucleus | RIs | substantia nigra, compact part | SNC |
rostral linear nucleus of midbrain | RLi | substantia nigra, compact part, dorsal tier | SNCD |
red nucleus, magnocellular part | RMC | substantia nigra, compact part, medial tier | SNCM |
retromammillary nucleus, lateral part | RML | substantia nigra, lateral part | SNL |
retromammillary nucleus, medial part | RMM | substantia nigra, reticular part | SNR |
red nucleus, parvicellular part | RPC | supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus, anterior part | SOA |
retrorubral fields | RRF | supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus, retrochiasmatic part | SOR |
retrosplenial cortex, dysgranular part | RSD | supraoptic decussation | sox |
retrosplenial cortex, granular part | RSG | subparaventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | SPa |
retrosplenial cortex, granular part a | RSGa | subparafascicular nucleus | SPF |
retrosplenial cortex, granular part b | RSGb | subparafascicular nucleus, parvicellular part | SPFPC |
Name of Structure | Abbreviation | Name of Structure | Abbreviation |
stria terminalis | st | ventral endopiriform nucleus | VEn |
subthalamic nucleus | STh | ventral lateral thalamic nucleus | VL |
striohypothalamic area | StHy | ventrolateral hypothalamic nucleus | VLH |
bed nucleus of stria terminalis, intraamygdaloidal | STIA | ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus | VLL |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral division, dorsal part | STLD | ventrolateral periaqueductal grey | VLPAG |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral division, juxtacapsular | STLJ | ventrolateral preoptic nucleus | VLPO |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral division, ventral part | STLV | ventral medial thalamic nucleus | VM |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, dorsal part | STMD | ventromedial thalamic nucleus | VM |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, posterolateral | STMPL | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, central part | VMHC |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, posteromedial | STMPM | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part | VMHDM |
bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, ventral part | STMV | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part | VMHVL |
superior thalamic radiation | str | ventromedial preoptic nucleus | VMPO |
supraoculomotor nucleus | Su3 | ventral marginal zone of hypothalamus | VMZ |
supraoculomotor cap | Su3C | ventral orbital cortex | VO |
subbrachial nucleus | SubB | ventral pallidum | VP |
subgeniculate nucleus | SubG | ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus | VPL |
subincertal nucleus | SubI | ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus | VPM |
superficial grey of superior colliculus | SuG | ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, parvicellular part | VPPC |
temporal association cortex | TeA | ventral reuniens thalamic nucleus | VRe |
tectospinal tract | ts | ventral subiculum | VS |
triangular septal nucleus | TS | xiphoid thalamic nucleus | Xi |
taenia tecta | TT | decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle | xscp |
olfactory tubercle | Tu | zona incerta, dorsal part | ZID |
tuberal region of lateral hypothalamus | TuLH | zona incerta, ventral part | ZIV |
nucleus of the trapezoid body | Tz | stratum zonale of superior colliculus | Zo |
trapezoid body | tz | ||
primary visual cortex | V1 | ||
secondary visual cortex, lateral region | V2L | ||
secondary visual cortex, medial region | V2M | ||
ventral anterior thalamic nucleus | VA | ||
nucleus of vertical limb of diagonal band | VDB |
Plate 1: Section 1 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 2: Section 2 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 3: Section 3 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 4: Section 4 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 5: Section 5 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 6: Section 6 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 7: Section 7 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 8: Section 8 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 9: Section 9 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 10: Section 10 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 11: Section 11 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 12: Section 12 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Plate 13: Section 13 of Antechinus brain sectioned coronally at a thickness of 14 µm.
Small versions of Plates 1-13 of Antechinus brain













Index: Names of structures corresponding to Plates of Antechinus atlas
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plate/s | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plate/s |
2n | optic nerve | 4 | AOM | anterior olfactory region, medial | 1 |
3n | oculomotor nerve | 11 | AOV | anterior olfactory region, ventral | 1 |
3N | oculomotor nucleus | 12, 13 | APir | amygdalopiriform transition area | 8 to 11 |
3PC | oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part | 12 | APTD | anterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal part | 10 |
3V | third ventricle | 5 to 9 | APTV | anterior pretectal nucleus, ventral part | 10 |
A11 | A11 dopaminergic cells | 8 | Aq | cerebral aqueduct | 11 to 13 |
AA | anterior amygdaloid region | 6 | ArcL | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, lateral part | 8 |
AAD | anterior amygdaloid region, dorsal | 5 | ArcLP | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, lateroposterior part | 9 |
AAV | anterior amygdaloid region, ventral | 5 | ArcM | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, medial part | 8 |
ac | anterior commissure | 4, 5 | ArcMP | arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, medioposterior part | 9 |
aca | anterior commissure, anterior limb | 2, 3 | ASt | amygdalostriatal transition zone | 8 |
Acb | nucleus accumbens | 1 | ATg | anterior tegmental nucleus | 13 |
AcbC | nucleus accumbens, core | 2, 3 | Au1 | primary auditory cortex | 9 to 11 |
AcbSh | nucleus accumbens, shell | 2, 3 | AV | anterior ventral thalamic nucleus | 7 |
acer | anterior cerebral artery | 3 | B9 | B9 serotonin cells | 13 |
aci | anterior commissure, intrabulbar | 1 | bic | brachium of inferior colliculus | 12, 13 |
ACo | anterior cortical amygdaloid area | 5 to 7 | BIC | nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus | 13 |
acp | anterior commissure, posterior limb | 5 | BLA | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | 6 to 9 |
AD | anterodorsal thalamic nucleus | 7 | BLP | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part | 8 to 11 |
AHA | anterior hypothalamic area | 6, 7 | BLV | basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventral part | 8, 9 |
AHi | amygdalohippocampal transition area | 9 | BMA | basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | 6, 7 |
AHiPM | amygdalohippocampal trans'n area, posteromed. part | 10, 11 | BMP | basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part | 8, 9 |
AID | agranular insula, dorsal | 2 to 5 | bsc | brachium of superior colliculus | 9, 10, 13 |
AIP | agranular insula cortex, posterior | 6 to 8 | btc | basal telencephalic commissure | 5 |
AIV | agranular insula, ventral | 2 to 5 | CA1 | cornu Ammonis, area 1 | 4 to 11 |
alv | alveus of hippocampus | 5 to 8 | CA2 | cornu Ammonis, area 2 | 5 to 11 |
AM | anterior medial thalamic nucleus | 7 | CA3 | cornu Ammonis, area 3 | 5 to 11 |
AMV | anterior medial thalamic nucleus, ventral part | 7 | CAT | nucleus of the central acoustic tract | 13 |
ANS | accessory neurosecretory nucleus | 7 | Cd | caudate | 2 to 7 |
AOD | anterior olfactory region, dorsal | 1 | Ce | central amygdaloid nuclei | 6 |
CeC | central amygdaloid nucleus, capsular division | 7 to 9 |
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plate/s | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plate/s |
CeL | central amygdaloid nucleus, lateral division | 7 to 9 | EAM | extended amygdala, medial part | 7 |
CeM | central amygdaloid nucleus, medial division | 7, 8 | ec | external capsule | 3 to 7 |
Cg | cingulate cortex | 1, 2 | Ect | ectorhinal cortex | 9 to 12 |
Cg1 | cingulate cortex, area 1 | 3 to 7 | eml | external medullary lamina | 8, 9 |
Cg1 | cingulate cortex, area 2 | 3 to 7 | EP | entopeduncular nucleus | 6, 7 |
Cg1 | choroid plexus | 6 to 9 | EPl | external plexiform layer of main olfactory bulb | 1 |
Cl | claustrum | 2 to 7 | EW | Edinger-Westphal nucleus | 11, 12 |
CL | centrolateral thalamic nucleus | 8. 9 | f | fornix | 4 to 10 |
CLi | caudal linear nucleus | 12, 13 | F | fields of Forel | 9 |
CM | central medial thalamic nuclues | 6 to 9 | fds | fimbriodentate sulcus | 4, 11, 12 |
cp | cerebral peduncle | 8 to 12 | fi | fimbria of hippocampus | 6 to 9 |
csc | commissure of superior colliculus | 11 | fr | fasciculus retroflexus | 8 to 10 |
CxA | cortex-amygdala transition area | 5 to 7 | FrA | frontal association cortex | 1, 2 |
DA | dorsal hypothalamic area | 8 | GCC | granule cell cluster | 1 to 4 |
dcw | deep cortical white matter | 2 to 12 | GCCM | granule cell cluster magna | 3 |
DEn | dorsal endopiriform nucleus | 2 to 8 | GI | granular insula cortex | 3 to 8 |
DG | dentate gyrus | 4 to 11 | Gl | glomerular layer of main olfactory bulb | 1 |
Dk | nucleus of Darkschewitsch | 10 | GP | globus pallidus | 6, 7 |
DLGa | dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, alpha segment | 8, 9 | GrA | granule cell layer of accessory olfactory bulb | 1 |
DLGb | dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, beta segment | 8, 9 | GrDG | granule cell layer of dentate gyrus | 8 to 12 |
DLPAG | dorsolateral periaqueductal grey | 10 to 13 | GrO | granule cell layer of main olfactory bulb | 1 |
DMD | dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal part | 8 | hbc | habenular commissure | 9 |
DMPAG | dorsomedial periaqueductal grey | 10 to 13 | hc | hippocampal commissure | 5 |
DpG | deep grey matter of superior colliculus | 11 to 13 | HDB | nucleus of horizontal limb of diagonal band | 4, 5 |
DpWh | deep white matter of superior colliculus | 11 to 13 | I | intercalated amygdaloid nucleus | 6 to 9 |
DR | dorsal raphe nucleus | 13 | IAD | interanterodorsal thalamic nucleus | 7 |
DS | dorsal subiculum | 8 to 12 | IAM | interanteromedial thalamic nucleus | 7 |
DT | dorsal terminal nucleus of optic tract | 11 | ic | internal capsule | 4 to 0 |
DTM | dorsal tuberomammillary nucleus | 9 | IGL | intergeniculate leaflet | 8, 9 |
DTr | dorsal transitional cortex | 2 | ILL | intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus | 13 |
EAC | extended amygdala, central part | 7 | IMD | intermediodorsal thalamic nucleus | 8 |
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates |
InC | interstitial nucleus of Cajal | 10 to 13 | LSI | lateral septal nucleus, intermediate | 2 to 5 |
InCSh | interstitial nucleus of Cajal, shell part | 10 to 13 | LSS | lateral striatal stripe | 4, 5 |
InG | intermediate grey of superior colliculus | 10 to 13 | LSV | lateral septal nucleus, ventral | 3 to 5 |
InWh | intermediate white of superior colliculus | 10 to 13 | LT | lateral terminal nucleus of optic tract | 10, 11 |
IPAC | interstitial nu. of the post. limb of ant. commissure | 4 to 6 | LV | lateral ventricle | 1 to 12 |
IPDL | interpeduncular nucleus, dorsolateral part | 11, 12 | M | motor cortex | 1 to 7 |
IPDM | interpeduncular nucleus, dorsomedial part | 11, 12 | MA3 | medial accessory oculomotor nucleus | 10, 11 |
IPL | interpeduncular nucleus, lateral part | 11, 12 | MCLH | magnocellular nucleus of lateral hypothalamus | 8 |
IPV | interpeduncular nucleus, ventral part | 11, 12 | mcp | middle cerebellar peduncle | 11 to 13 |
LA | lateral anterior hypothalamic nucleus | 6 | MCPO | magnocellular preoptic area | 5, 6 |
La | lateral amygdaloid nucleus | 7 | MD | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus | 7 |
LAcbSh | lateral nucleus accumbens shell | 3 | MDC | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, central part | 8 |
LaDL | lateral amygdaloid nucleus, dorsolateral part | 8, 9 | MDL | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, lateral part | 8 |
LaVL | lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventrolateral part | 8, 9 | MDM | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, medial part | 8 |
LaVM | lateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventromedial part | 8 | ME | median eminence | 8 |
LEnt | lateral entorhinal cortex | 9 to 13 | me5 | mesencephalic trigeminal tract | 11 to 13 |
lfp | longitudinal fibres of the pons | 12 | Me5 | mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus | 11, 12 |
LH | lateral hypothalamic area | 6 | MeA | medial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part | 6, 7 |
LHb | lateral habenular nucleus | 8 | MEI | median eminence, internal layer | 9 |
ll | lateral lemniscus | 13 | MEnt | medial entorhinal cortex | 12, 13 |
LM | lateral mammillary nucleus | 10 | MEnt | medial entorhinal cortex | 13 |
LO | lateral orbital cortex | 1 | MePD | medial amygdaloid nucleus, posterodorsal part | 8 |
lo | lateral olfactory tract | 1 to 6 | MePV | medial amygdaloid nucleus, posteroventral part | 8 |
LOT1 | nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 1 | 6 | mfb | medial forebrain bundle | 4 to 7 |
LOT2 | nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 2 | 6 | MGD | medial geniculate nucleus, dorsal part | 10 to 12 |
LOT3 | nucleus of lateral olfactory tract, layer 3 | 6 | MGM | medial geniculate nucleus, medial part | 10 to 12 |
LPAG | lateral periaqueductal grey | 10 to 13 | MGV | medial geniculate nucleus, ventral part | 10 to 12 |
LPLR | lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, laterorostral part | 8, 9 | MHb | medial habenular nucleus | 7, 8 |
LPMR | lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, mediorostral part | 8, 9 | Mi | mitral cell layer of main olfactory bulb | 1 |
LPO | lateral preoptic area | 4, 5 | MiTg | microcellular tegmental nucleus | 13 |
LSD | lateral septal nucleus, dorsal | 3 to 5 | ml | medial lemniscus | 8 to 13 |
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates |
ML | medial mammillary nucleus, lateral part | 10 | PaS | parasubiculum of hippocampal formation | 13 |
mlf | medial longitudinal fasciculus | 11 to 13 | PBG | parabigeminal nucleus | 13 |
MM | medial mammillary nucleus, medial part | 10 | PBP | parabrachial pigmented nucleus | 10 to 12 |
MnPO | median preoptic area | 4 | PC | paracentral thalamic nucleus | 7 |
MnR | median raphe nucleus | 13 | pc | posterior commissure | 10 |
MO | medial orbital cortex | 1 | PCom | nucleus of the posterior commissure | 10 |
MoDG | molecular layer of dentate gyrus | 8 to 12 | Pe | periventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | 6 to 8 |
mp | mammillary peduncle | 10 | PeFLH | perifornical part of lateral hypothalamus | 8 |
MPA | medial preoptic area | 4, 6 | PF | parafascicular thalamic nucleus | 9 |
MPOL | medial preoptic area, lateral part | 5 | PH | posterior hypothalamic nucleus | 9 |
MPOM | medial preoptic area, medial part | 5 | PIL | posterior intralaminar thalamic nucleus | 10 to 12 |
mRt | mesencephalic reticular formation | 11 to 13 | Pir1 | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1 | 1, 9, 10 |
MS | medial septal nucleus | 3 | Pir1a | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1a | 2 to 8 |
mt | mammillothalamic tract | 6 to 9 | Pir1b | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 1b | 2 to 8 |
MT | medial terminal nucleus of optic tract | 10 | Pir2 | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 2 | 1 to 10 |
mt | mammillothalamic tract | 10 | Pir3 | piriform (olfactory) cortex, layer 3 | 1 to 10 |
MTu | medial tuberal nucleus | 8, 9 | PLCo | posterolateral cortical amygdaloid area | 8 to 11 |
MZMG | medial geniculate nucleus, marginal zone | 11, 12 | PLH | peduncular part of lateral hypothalamus | 7 to 9 |
ns | nigrostriatal pathway | 8 | PlPAG | plioglial periaqueductal grey | 11 |
Nv | navicular nucleus | 2 | PLV | perilemniscal nucleus, ventral part | 13 |
och | optic chiasm | 5, 6 | PMCo | posteromedial cortical amygdaloid area | 8 to 11 |
Om | omega nucleus | 12 | PMD | premammillary nucleus, dorsal part | 9 |
Op | stratum opticum of superior colliculus | 10 to 13 | PMnR | paramedian raphe nucleus | 13 |
OPC | oval paracentral thalamic nucleus | 8 | PMV | premammillary nucleus, ventral part | 9 |
opt | optic tract | 7 to 9 | Pn | pontine nuclei | 11, 12 |
OPT | olivary pretectal nucleus | 10 | PnO | pontine oral reticular nucleus | 13 |
OT | nucleus of the optic tract | 10, 11 | Po | posterior thalamic nuclear group | 8, 9 |
p1PAG | prosomere 1 periaqueductal grey | 10 | PoDG | polymorphic layer of dentate gyrus | 8 to 11 |
p1Rt | prosomere 1 reticular formation | 10 | PoMn | posteromedian thalamic nucleus | 9 |
Pa | paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | 6, 7 | PoT | posterior thalamic nuclear group, triangular part | 10 to 12 |
PaR | pararubral nucleus | 11, 12 | PP | peripeduncular nucleus | 11 |
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates |
PPT | posterior pretectal nucleus | 10 | RSG | retrosplenial cortex, granular part | 12, 13 |
PR | prerubral field | 10 | RSGa | retrosplenial cortex, granular part a | 8 to 11 |
PrC | precommissural nucleus | 9 | RSGb | retrosplenial cortex, granular part b | 8 to 11 |
PrCnF | precuneiform area | 13 | Rt | reticular nucleus (prethalamus) | 7, 8 |
PrGMC | pregeniculate nu. of prethalamus, magnocellular part | 8, 9 | RtSt | reticulostrial nucleus | 7 |
PrGPC | pregeniculate nu. of prethalamus, parvicellular part | 8, 9 | RtTg | reticulotegmental nucleus | 12 |
PRh | perirhinal cortex | 9 to 13 | S | subiculum of hippocampal formation | 4 to 7 |
PrL | prelimbic cortex | 1, 2 | S1 | primary somatosensory cortex | 3, 4, 8 |
PrS | presubiculum of hippocampal formation | 12, 13 | S1FL | primary somatosensory cortex, forelimb area | 5, 6 |
PSTh | parasubthalamic nucleus | 9 | S1HL | primary somatosensory cortex, hindlimb area | 5 to 7 |
PT | parataenial thalamic nucleus | 6, 7 | S1My | primary somatosensory cx, mystacial (whisker) area | 5 to 7 |
Pu | putamen | 4 to 8 | S2 | secondary somatosensory cortex | 4 to 8 |
PVA | paraventricular thalamic nucleus, anterior part | 6, 7 | SC | superior colliculus | 11 |
PVP | paraventricular thalamic nucleus, posterior part | 9 | SCh | suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus | 6 |
py | pyramidal tract | 13 | SCO | subcommissural organ | 10 |
Rbd | rhabdoid nucleus | 13 | scp | superior cerebellar peduncle | 8 to 13 |
RChL | retrochiasmatic area, lateral part | 7 | SFi | septofimbrial nucleus | 4 |
RChM | retrochiasmatic area, medial part | 7 | SFi | septofimbrial nucleus | 5 |
Re | reuniens thalamic nucleus | 7, 8 | SFO | subfornical organ | 4 |
REth | retroethmoid nucleus | 10 | SG | suprageniculate thalamic nucleus | 11, 12 |
rf | rhinal fissure | 1 to 13 | SHi | septohippocampal area | 3, 4 |
Rh | rhomboid thalamic nucleus | 7, 8 | SHy | septohypothalamic nucleus | 4, 5 |
ri | rhinal incisure | 1 | SIB | substantia innominata, basal part | 4, 5, 6 |
RIs | retroisthmic nucleus | 13 | sm | stria medullaris thalami | 6, 7, 9 |
RLi | rostral linear nucleus of midbrain | 10, 11 | SNC | substantia nigra, compact part | 10, 12 |
RMC | red nucleus, magnocellular part | 11, 12 | SNCD | substantia nigra, compact part, dorsal tier | 11 |
RML | retromammillary nucleus, lateral part | 10 | SNCM | substantia nigra, compact part, medial tier | 11 |
RMM | retromammillary nucleus, medial part | 10 | SNL | substantia nigra, lateral part | 11, 12 |
RPC | red nucleus, parvicellular part | 11, 12 | SNR | substantia nigra, reticular part | 10 to 12 |
RRF | retrorubral fields | 12, 13 | SOA | supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus, anterior part | 6 |
RSD | retrosplenial cortex, dysgranular part | 8 to 12 | SOR | supraoptic nu. of hypothalamus, retrochiasmatic part | 7 |
Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates | Abbreviation | Name of structure | Plates |
sox | supraoptic decussation | 7, 8 | V2L | secondary visual cortex, lateral region | 8 to 13 |
SPa | subparaventricular nucleus of hypothalamus | 6 | V2M | secondary visual cortex, medial region | 8 to 12 |
SPF | subparafascicular nucleus | 9 | VA | ventral anterior thalamic nucleus | 7 |
SPFPC | subparafascicular nucleus, parvicellular part | 10 | VDB | nucleus of vertical limb of diagonal band | 3 |
st | stria terminalis | 4 to 9 | VEn | ventral endopiriform nucleus | 2 to 6 |
STh | subthalamic nucleus | 8, 9 | VL | ventral lateral thalamic nucleus | 8 |
StHy | striohypothalamic area | 5, 6 | VLH | ventrolateral hypothalamic nucleus | 7 |
STIA | bed nucleus of stria terminalis, intraamygdaloidal | 8 | VLL | ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus | 13 |
STLD | bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral division, dorsal part | 4, 5 | VLPAG | ventrolateral periaqueductal grey | 12, 13 |
STLJ | bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral div'n, juxtacapsular | 5 | VLPO | ventrolateral preoptic nucleus | 5 |
STLV | bed nu. of stria terminalis, lateral division, ventral | 4, 5 | VM | ventromedial thalamic nucleus | 7, 8 |
STMD | bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, dorsal part | 5 | VMHC | ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, central part | 8 |
STMPL | bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial div'n, posterolat. | 6 | VMHDM | ventromedial hypothalamic nu., dorsomedial part | 8 |
STMPM | bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial div'n, posteromed | 6 | VMHVL | ventromedial hypothalamic nu., ventrolateral part | 8 |
STMV | bed nu. of stria terminalis, medial division, ventral | 4, 5 | VMPO | ventromedial preoptic nucleus | 4, 5 |
str | superior thalamic radiation | 9 | VMZ | ventral marginal zone of hypothalamus | 8 |
Su3 | supraoculomotor nucleus | 11 to 13 | VO | ventral orbital cortex | 1 |
Su3C | supraoculomotor cap | 11 to 13 | VP | ventral pallidum | 1 to 5 |
SubB | subbrachial nucleus | 13 | VPL | ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus | 8, 9 |
SubG | subgeniculate nucleus | 9 | VPM | ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus | 8, 9 |
SubI | subincertal nucleus | 8 | VPPC | ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, parvicellular part | 9 |
SuG | superficial grey of superior colliculus | 10 to 13 | VRe | ventral reuniens thalamic nucleus | 7, 8 |
TeA | temporal association cortex | 9 to 12 | VS | ventral subiculum | 10 to 12 |
TS | triangular septal nucleus | 5 | Xi | xiphoid thalamic nucleus | 7, 8 |
ts | tectospinal tract | 12, 13 | xscp | decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle | 13 |
TT | taenia tecta | 2, 3 | ZID | zona incerta, dorsal part | 8, 9 |
Tu | olfactory tubercle | 1 to 5 | ZIV | zona incerta, ventral part | 8, 9 |
TuLH | tuberal region of lateral hypothalamus | 8 | Zo | stratum zonale of superior colliculus | 10 to 13 |
Tz | nucleus of the trapezoid body | 13 | |||
tz | trapezoid body | 13 | |||
V1 | primary visual cortex | 8 to 13 |