Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) hatchlings

Short-beaked echidna hatchlings and young from the Australian Museum Mammal Collection. A. M5014 is approximately 4-6 days old; B. M2788 is approximately 6-7 days old; C. M32751 is approximately 25 days old; D. M25916 hatchling is approximately 50 days old; E. M22580, hatchling is approximately 60 days old. Scale bar represents 10mm. Photographs © K. Ashwell.

Reference: Ashwell, K. (Ed.). (2013). Neurobiology of Monotremes: Brain Evolution in our Distant Mammalian Cousins. CSIRO PUBLISHING.

Short beaked echidna hatchling  illustrations by Semon(1894).Legendaur - external earb - anlage of pouchgh - genital humpspy - hump shaped anlage of the spurspt - skin fold in which the spur retreatsf - view of the hind limb, showing development of the spurs - lateral viewv - frontal view (of head)v1 - frontal view enlargeds1 - lateral view enlarged47 to 53 - pouch young.ReferenceSemon, R. (1894) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Monotremen. Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 5, 61–74.

Short beaked echidna hatchling illustrations by Semon(1894).


  • aur - external ear

  • b - anlage of pouch

  • gh - genital hump

  • spy - hump shaped anlage of the spur

  • spt - skin fold in which the spur retreats

  • f - view of the hind limb, showing development of the spur

  • s - lateral view

  • v - frontal view (of head)

  • v1 - frontal view enlarged

  • s1 - lateral view enlarged

  • 47 to 53 - pouch young.


Semon, R. (1894) Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Monotremen. Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 5, 61–74.


Short-beaked echidna brain


Short-beaked echidna anatomy